Happy New Year to everyone! I hope 2025 brings everything you want, wish for and desire.
Here in the land of Happy Toms… Winter is officially here! 2025 has brought a cold snap with it.
I don’t know what it’s like around your end, but here in the West Midlands: Specifically, Oldbury, Dudley and Oakham Hill, we’ve been battered by 2 wicked storms already and I’m convinced the worst is yet to come.
Storm Bert did a proper number regarding rain damage, and then Darragh came and blew over everyone’s fences! So, I know Munch is glad to have the hatches battened down and the central heating back in action, and she’s happily curled in her basket toasty n warm, completely reluctant to go out at all.
So, giving her lack of activity one may be tempted to think there’s nothing on the radar for this time of year, and I’d mostly agree.
One consideration that crops up for me more so this time of year is keeping Munch’s water level happy… she’s always been quite fussy about her water, preferring to drink direct from the tap or rainwater outdoors than from a bowl, but now temperatures have crept sub-zero and most of outdoors is frozen then that’s obviously not an option and nobody wants a dripping tap when its freezing outside, so I’ve been looking into better watering solutions for Munch and will be testing a few out very soon. But in doing so it has opened my eyes to the range that now exist out there and the price range also… ranging from £15 through to almost £80?!!
We all know how important it is to stay hydrated for a healthy lifestyle, kidney function and all round benefits, obviously our furry chums are no different.
The water fountain style model seems all the rage, but I know how fussy Munch is also, so the likelihood of me spending large amounts is not great. But Temu is my friend
I am sure, though this could be a long running challenge. Haha.
I will report on my findings… but the first one I will be looking at is a fountain styled model priced at £13.99 at Temu… I’ll report more as this experiment unfolds.
If you follow my Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/HappyToms.Catsitting/
You will have seen a few pics I put up of Munch wearing a Santa hat… she was fundamentally unimpressed with the situation, and as such I thought I would explore the matter of dressing up your cat, the dos and don’ts and the impact it can have on your pet.
It certainly wasn’t a subject covered in my animal psychology qualification, but I think it’s worthwhile looking into the phenomenon of dressing up your pets and the possible impact it can have on your relationship with your furry chum.
Firstly, I do not condone dressing up animals in human styled attire for any length of time, especially if the animal is showing any signs of distress as a result… The photos I took of Munch, she was dressed very briefly and the second there was any sign of her being unhappy the offending article was removed…
But obviously Munch is a rescue cat that was basically feral when I rescued her… so I always knew her likelihood of enjoying this was very slim.
During my life of cat ownership, I’ve not known of many cats that will tolerate being dressed in any type of clothing for anything beyond a second or two. The only exception to this was Sophie, my friend’s cat that they had had from a kitten and was very much their daughters’ cat. She was such a soft and loving personality and the understanding between her and her owners such, that she would placidly allow herself to be dressed in teddy bear sized dresses and such, we would often see her wandering around the house with a dress or other such teddy clothing being worn with no objection…
I would say she was the utter exception to the rule.
Vets explain this… “There may be some cats who tolerate wearing items of clothing, but they are very rare…”
“They would have had lots of positive experiences of being handled when they were very young, during what is referred as the ‘socialisation period’”
This was the case with Sophie, but Munch never had such positive reinforcement in her early years so it was always unlikely she would take to fancy dress.
From my research, any animal institution will not recommend dressing your cat in fancy dress or clothing, and there are several common-sense reasons for this.
The first one being, they don’t need them, and they restrict the animal’s movement and ability to do what it wants to, and of course cats have their own fur coat that regulates their temperature… adding clothes affects their ability to do this as effectively.
If we take for example Munch’s Santa hat. If I had donned it upon her correctly it would have covered her head front to back and her ears… This is restricting the cat’s ability to sense its environment and the second she wanted to get up, she would be backing away and trying to remove from her head. (cat’s ears are omnidirectional and used extensively for perception of their environment, how many times have you seen your cat rotate their ears backwards when hearing a sound behind them) so if that movement is restricted or impaired it can have a profound effect on your cat’s stability and movement and environment perception… same with their whiskers.
(Did you know that a cat’s whiskers are essential to their perception of spaces and gaps and whether they are capable of fitting though a gap or tight space? They are also a good way of measuring how old/mature your cat is. The bigger the whiskers, the bigger/fatter the cat tends to be. Lol)
Many cats will tend to go floppy or just relax into the experience… again this was kind of the thing with Munch, but again, this isn’t necessarily what you may think… It’s an animal’s reaction to a stress situation. If they can’t fight their way out of it, they will just freeze up and try and wait it out.
So, the bottom line on dressing your cat in fancy dress… in my opinion is if you can’t guarantee there will be no adverse response then don’t, or only to be done very briefly and at the first sign of stress or distress, stop.
Always make sure the item can be easily removed in a second flat, if your cat reacts badly things can go south quickly, so make sure it’s something that can drop off or break away easily should there be any negative reaction from your furry buddy.
Other than that, if you are determined to have your cat look like its dressed head to toe in Gucci, maybe just use a photo editor or similar snap tools on your phone.. your cat will probably thank you for it!
If you would like further reading, the Cats Protection League has some good info here:
Well, that’s about it for me spouting on… I’m off to get a nice warm hot chocolate and give Munch some fuss by the fire.
But don’t forget… if you are planning your escape for 2025, premium cat care is available in the West Midlands… Cradley, Halesowen, Oldbury, Dudley or Stourbridge… just call Happy Toms Cat Sitting and out cat care professionals will be in touch.