Cat tips for Autumn
So, Autumn is finally here, the nights are closing in and the leaves are turning brown. Munch is going crazy for extra food, trying to get her winter bulk on, whilst also spending more time looking out of the window from the sofa than actually going outside!
It won’t be long before winter is upon us, but are there any routines or kitty good practices worth following at this time of year?
Well, having been a professional cat sitter around Hagley, Oldbury and Cradley for some time, there are a few seasonal tricks you learn along the way.
Bonfire Night & Fireworks
Bonfire night is rapidly approaching, and we all know how much that can affect your feline chums’ relaxation and stress. I try and keep Munch in the quietest room away from windows etc with the curtains drawn and try and get her settled in a den… all obvious really.
This year Bonfire night is in a Tuesday, so I’m expecting to have 2 weekends worth of battening down the hatches as far as fireworks and Munch is concerned.
I’ve never needed to resort to them myself but have heard positive things about cat calming sprays. This is a link to ones we have had best feedback from.
Feliway diffuser for cats
Once we have some decent frosts it should help knock back the flea population quite a bit, so if operating on a budget in regards to expensive flea treatments, you can start to consider dialling back on the dosage when the temperature drops, obviously cats aren’t born with these chemicals inside them either, so its nice to give them an opportunity to have a break from anti flea chemicals in their system also. But only when we have had some decent ground frosts.
Whilst the weather continues to be mild and damp, don’t let up on flea treatments as that’s still the danger zone for flea infestations and I’m sure they would love to come and set up camp in your carpet this winter if they get the option!
Similarly, once your central heating is kicked in, this can re-awaken any dormant flea eggs that could possibly be lurking, so be vigilant, the battle isn’t over for the year yet!
Autumn hunting
If your cat is an active hunter, you are probably likely to get an influx of ‘gifts’ from your furry chum as its peak season for rodents and critters to be gathering their last nuts and stores for winter. I have fond memories of my sister’s cat, Milo, he would bring back gifts of the largest fallen leaf in the garden at autumn. I’m unsure of the cat psychology behind that one, but it was such a cute thing to do! But you can expect more active hunting to be taking place at this time of year. This has a crossover into the next section, as if your furry chum is out finding gifts for you and bringing the treasures home more this time of year, we do need to consider the next point…
Poisons & Plants
Poisons, plants and mushrooms. I’ve seen various warnings about the possibility of your pet ingesting poisonous plant life, fungus etc, but in my experience cats naturally know things that are likely to cause them issues and know to steer clear. But I also know of a specific case this week where a friend’s cat had to be checked on by the vet after most probably ingesting something that caused a bad reaction. The poor chap was very ill and didn’t eat properly for 3 days. The vet wasn’t able identify what caused it… So, there’s definitely things out there. The likelihood of secondary poisoning from biting or picking up with their mouth a previously poisoned rodent is a bigger possibility in this season. Therefore, if you do happen to see a dead mouse or rodent in your territory, best to dispose of quickly in case it had been poisoned initially.
Reflective Collars
I like to make sure that Munch has a reflective collar at this time of year, obviously nights are longer, and with cats being crepuscular (active at twilight and dawn) it means they are more likely to be active during peak traffic times… leading to an increase in cat/vehicle incidents during these months. It’s always worth ensuring your furry pal has every opportunity to be seen and safe.
Beaphar reflective collar
So that’s our top autumnal tips for ensuring content and pampered cats, here’s wishing you and your feline friends all a fun filled and safe Halloween and Bonfire night, and a fantastic Autumn season.
If you need a professional and affordable catsitter in Dudley, Cradley or the surrounding area, make sure you have Happy Toms!